Friday, April 1, 2011

It's Officially Official!

We decided that eloping so quick just wasn't right.  I was reading a Mormon fiction novel last night when it struck me.  We need to get to know each other better.  The Mormon fiction novel was a Jack Weyland, As Always Dave.  The couple in the book were rushing off to elope because they were tired of being single.  On their way to elope they realized it wasn't right.  I too realized what Trent and I eloping was not right.  Even though we were eloping to the temple, still I want everyone to be with me on this special day.  However, we are officially ENGAGED!!!!  I HAVE MY RING!  IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!  When he proposed last night I just cried tears of joy.  I haven't been happier!

I cry, and I cry.  Tears of laughter, I cry.  Because I want to wish you all a Happy April Fools.  Thanks for playing, and here is to being single.  Life is grand in the single land!

(I want to say thank you to all those who caught on in the very beginning, held strong and didn't ruin my fun.  I hope that everyone knows the joke is on me.  Because at the end of the day, I'm still single.  And Mom, it was a joke, please laugh at it - it was supposed to be funny...just think of the "kissing over the alter" - that made you laugh some.)
So, it's officially official that I am band from doing April Fools jokes.  NO MORE FROM ME!!!   

ApRiL FoOLs EvErYoNe!!!


Doty Family said...

Ha, ha, ha,! That is the ultimate April Fools joke. You put a lot of thought and effort into planning this. I saw it on facebook this morning and it clicked. I even called Josh at work to ask what he thought. He said he thought Ellen was going to be angry...........

MinDee said...

Glad the joke's out! Yesterdays post was a good hint to everyone what you were leading up to. Thanks for the fun, this is probably the only April Fools joke I'll get and appreciate today. The rest will be from my 2nd grader & you can only imagine how awesome they are :) P.S. I do love the engagement ring of whatever woman's it is. And I could tell that was totally not your hand. hehehe. :) Happy Aprils Fools to you!

The York's said...

I agree with mindee as soon as I saw the hand knew it wasn't yours! I wish I could be a fly on the wall when your mom calls you. Glad this is all over, I think it has caused me stress.

Mrs Buchanan said...

That hand is too smooth to be yours ;)Besides even your nails don't look that good. I just want everyone to know that I knew this was all a joke as soon as I read the first post. We all know that Libby CANNOT keep a secret that long, especially when it involves a guy.
Seriously one of the best April Fool's Jokes that I've witnessed in probably my entire life! Thanks for the laughs Libby!

Lib-Dawg said...

What? That is to my hand! Especially after I got my nails done so I could show off my new accessory. Yep, I'm going to hell...hope to see some of you there. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry I ruined your joke!

Happy April Fool's Day!

Cardine said...

I was glad you were doing this. My sister does the standard "I'm engaged!" joke every year, but this year it didn't have quite the same effect since she got married in November.


Anonymous said...

Wait, I'm still confused. Is just the engagement the joke, or is some guy named Trent a joke, too? How big was this joke? I hadn't checked your blog for awhile, so now I feel out of the loop.