This is about as exciting as my Blog is getting lately...Let's talk about my first week of work. How exciting! It's just like any other job, I basically just sit through a window and stare at students taking tests. It is quite fun when you have a hot guy with no ring on his finger sitting in front of me being intimidated BY ME! Since I'm so intimidating! That's about all I can give you about the job now, we are still trying to get the center set up, but at least we have a routine down with how to run it now. Here's something exciting I can give you. The testing center made front page of the University Journal (SUU Newspaper) and guess who was quoted in the article twice - you guessed right, me! Kind of lame - I know, but I'll be keeping the article for my scrapbook. I tell ya - I'm going to milk this job for my resume when it comes time to look for a teaching job.
Wow, you're famous! Get a bunch of copies of the paper, autograph them, and give them to people/sell them on ebay. Just a suggestion.
Our life is kinda boring too. That's why we haven't blogged.
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