Monday, February 14, 2011

To All The Singles Out There - This is Our Year!

(Mommy, this video is for you - it's your main man singing AWESOME AS ALWAYS! You, Jessie, and I are such Gleeks!)

Today is a day of LOVE!!! I don't know if many of you know, but I'm pretty engaged right now, in a super hefty relationship. His name is Chem (for short)...a.k.a Chemistry. What? Shouldn't I be done with chemistry? That's what I thought - nope we are still going strong. In fact I'm technically in what some people call a threesome. I bought me a tutor to help with the relationship - gotta do what I gotta do!

In other words - "To all the singles out there - this is our year." Well I'm not banking on my year of love, (although it would be nice...) but I'm in really high hopes that this is my year for FINISHING chemistry. Let's get me on to the next chapter of my life for crying out loud!

Shout out: Hey Mommy & Daddio thanks for the sweet as can be Valentines Day card and gift certificate to my favorite restaurant, Pizza Factory. You two are the best. LOVE YOU!!!

To all my Singles, Married, or Whatever you call your status -
HaPpY VaLeNtInEs DaY!!!


MinDee said...

Happy Valentines Day to you! You'll pass chemistry, this is your year!

Mrs Buchanan said...

I am in love with the Warblers. They definitely need to do more songs. I'm surprised you didn't mention that awesome Valentine Card I gave you. Allison and I watched "(500) days of Summer" as a non-valentine movie, totally brings the spirit of this lovely holiday to those of us who are single. At least I didn't get any texts wishing me a "Happy Single's Awareness Day" however it was pretty entertaining watching people throughout the day, you could definitely tell when someone was single and hating life. I'm proud to say that I am a happy single person...I had to talk myself into that attitude, but it was much better than moping around all day.

Anonymous said...

Merci d'avoir un blog interessant

Anonymous said...

Looks like the video got taken down, so I couldn't see it. Too bad.

I'm glad you have such a positive attitude towards Valentine's Day. I know I'm married and everything, but I think Valentine's Day shouldn't have to be romantic. I think we should be able to express love and friendship to everyone around us. Ethan and I both brought treats to our classes, and it sure made things more fun for everyone.

I hope you and Chem do some nice making out this year, though!