Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Running "For Fun???"

My good pal MinDee talked me into some runs the last month, and I said why not, if they're "fun?" The first run was in Ivins, with their very first 10K, and the other race was the St. George Midnight 5K. I have a big run coming up in a week, and so these little races were part of the training. The race I have coming up is the Wasatch Back, got roped into it, but I'll be with good company (Shellie), so that will help me get through it. At least that is what I keep telling myself.Ivins 10K - made me feel like a really good runner because we ran with all these really big people who were staying at the "Biggest Loser" Fitness Ridge. Yes, I saw some "Biggest Loser" people, but did not feel inclined to talk to them because I am SO over that. The other thing that made me feel good was that half the people who were running the 10K turned at the 5K and didn't even end up doing the 10K. Now who's the Biggest Loser....
Midnight 5K - after being up since 5:00am I meet up with my two girlfriends Alisha and MinDee to try to run in the dark, dark, night. This Midnight 5K is fairly new, but the night we ran it felt like the whole town came out! So many people, and couldn't see anything!!!! One cool thing, I saw an Elder from my mission - totally RANDOM! Another cool thing - short story, I'll try to make it short! As we started the race we were running along when all of a sudden a mouse ran out in front of me and for some reason I COULD SEE THE STINKING MOUSE! So, I of course started to scream like a rape victim and had many people (cops included) looking at me trying to figure out what my dealio was...A mouse, seriously???? After the race we went and ate some greasy food at Denny's - how lame is that? We run a race then stuff our face with fried oily food, and PANCAKE BALLS, yes I said pancake balls that were so heavy! Other than grease - good times were had with my two dear friends. Thanks for running the Midnight Race! Let's do it again, and make it a tradition!!!
Kyle Stapley (Elder Stapley) running his first race...yes he's married, I met his wife! Besides, not interested - Super nice guy!
All geared up in our stuff that glows...can't remember what it's called! Me, Alisha, and MinDee


Lucashell said...

So fun it is making me sign up for a couple 5 or 10ks this summer keep me motivated to run that marathon...

MinDee said...

it wasn't a mouse!!! it was a HUGE FROG!!! i KICKED it, after you screamed! i should know. fun month of running.

Mrs Buchanan said...

First of all what is a "rap" victim? I think that you meant rape. Secondly, I totally want to do this next year. So let me know when the next one is so I can save money for it.

Anonymous said...

No, she meant rap victim. I've been one before at a dance. I don't know why the DJ wouldn't actually play some good music! It really was hellish.

I just don't get it. I still can't make running seem fun.

Lib-Dawg said...

I fixed it to "rape." Thanks for editing my mistakes really make me laugh out loud!