I just want to say that I have the best car ever! My sweet little car has been there for me in so many ways. Let me just say, I just got done spending $606.00 on repairing the struts and alignment. And, that was a HELL of a deal. It was going to be around $800.00 but the mechanic took off $200.00 for me. BLESS HIS SWEET AS CAN BE HEART!!! The best part about it was that the mechanic told me that the struts on my car were the worst he's ever seen! I guess it's pretty bad when your mechanic tells you that??? I got her fixed, and boy does my car purr like a kitten. I have never loved driving my car more especially since the rattling noises are all gone - it's a MIRACLE, A MIRACLE I TELL YOU!!! However, with all that done and said...my car still needs more work done on her. I've still got to put $400.00 more dollars into that kitty and then she'll run like a tiger! Grrrrr...
Let's get back to why she, my car, has been there for me...

1. My car has taken me many places...we all know the trip to Alaska and back. I partially blame that trip to Alaska for needing new struts. Very bumpy roads. (Quote from my bumper sticker: "I Drove the Alaska Highway both ways Dammit!!! I always feel bad when I park my car at the temple, makes me wonder what people must think...)
2. The Civic is truly mine - paid it off two years ago!!!
3. Has acted as a teaching tool - taught my friend Audra how to drive "stick"...kind of. ;)
4. A sleeping quarter, my bed...I don't care for sleeping in my car, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!
5. That Tiger (my car) has 130,000 miles, and the mechanic told me it's good for another 150,000 - love those Honda's!
6. "U-Haul" sorta speak, I have moved a lot of JUNK with that Civic of mine.
7. For some reason my tiger of a car likes to drive fast, and has had it's fair share of speeding tickets and warnings. That cat is doing pretty good on slowing down and following the laws of the land...give her time...
8. Has been "backed into" 3 times. 3 times I tell you, and every time she got hit she was parked minding her own business! Takes a beating, but doesn't let it get her down...she just keeps on running!!!
9. Sports a tape deck and proud of it!!! Don't dis the cassette. (I know what you are thinking how on earth do I listen to my iPod...luckily they still make cassette adapters for iPods...I need to buy them out before they stop making them. Ack!)
10. People want my car, and they want it badly!!!
Here is to the Best Car EVER!!! Baby, I'm going to drive you to the bitter end - it's you and me Tiger!

You are such a dork, I love reading your blog, they are always entertaining. I love the video, took me back to those good times cooped up in your little car. Remember the time you saw my red hair bouncing around the back? I love Civics! I think that all of my cars will be Civics, or at least Hondas. They are amazing cars. Your sticker reminded me of one I saw today that said "If I wanted to hear from an asshole: I'd fart" and it was parked in the church parking lot.
I didn't get that bumper sticker at first...Cash had to explain it to me...Since you sent him that quote via text. He read it to me and I was like, "what? You've got to explain." He then said, "What the Hell Libby you don't get that? I'm not going to explain." "If you can't get that I'm not telling you." He finally explained it to me and I laughed pretty hard.
Yep you are definitely blonde through and through. But that is why we love you, you keep us entertained with your frequent blonde moments. ;)
ohh, libby. I 've been thinking about your first car...in high school! Remember that piece of rice? We had som much fun running that over curbs and puddles and what else??? Good times. I'm glad this car is just as fun, and I'm glad you're nicer to it. That's probably why you can drive it for another 150,000 miles.
I wish I didn't have a car payment.... I hope my Honda van lasts me forever!!!
I miss the rice wagon, that was such a good car. I wish we still had that car, I would still be driving it.
Honda's are A-1 G.I. Joe number one! Cool car you got there- keep 'er going. My brother's didn't give out until well after 220,000 miles. That's lots of trips to the temple! You go girl!
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