Tuesday, September 15, 2009

You Can't Say This Doesn't LOOK EXCITING....

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so, so excited. Can you tell? ENJOY! I may even become a Jacob fan...(Thanks Sally for the info on it not working...hopefully this one does.) NEW MOON, NEW MOON, NEW MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mom's Sewing Vault said...

So, here's the comment of mine that you deleted:

"I'm tellin ya, everyone should be Jacob fans." !!

The special effects have improved, and the casting is pretty good overall, but that Bella actress drives me INSANE. And the character, too. Ugh, I have to see it when it comes out, but I won't enjoy it! lol

ninfa said...

I wasn't looking forward to it, but the trailer looks Really Good!!

Lucashell said...

I already bought my ticket!

Anonymous said...

Looks like vampire porn...or an ad for Abercrombie and Fitch.

Anisa said...

Shellie, are you going without me?????

Okay, so back to Libby. You know the red chair on my computer? Every night Joren says he wants to watch the movies on the red chair. Guess what his favorite is? New Moon!!! He loves to watch the previews. Maybe I'll take him when the movie comes out.

Klein said...

Yeah..... it looks ok... but I really was more interested in the ads for the temple underneath it..... When did the temple start advertising??? And for some strange reason I wish I was an LDS single at the moment.

Cami said...

Never say you'll become a Jacob fan. Never never never.
I love this preview.