Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tea Vs. Hot Chocolate

I love, with every fiber of my being hot chocolate. I also have have found that hot chocolate does not love me back the way that I love it's smooth, creamy, chocolaty, flavor wrapped around my tongue, and warmness it sends down my throat! Hot chocolate could almost be compared to men in my life, but that is a whole other blog...

Recently I have been drinking a lot of hot chocolate. Around Christmas I drink quite a bit, (hot chocolate people - not beer...don't miss understand me here...) and when I do my stomach does not always react the best. I know that I should not drink milk, I have found that in my aging of life that I am, what is known as, "Lactose Intolerant." I think that I gained this horrible curse from my Granny, and have felt, for numerous years, not to accept it. I have now accepted it more and more, and am striving to live a dairy free diet. Let me just tell you that this is not a fun life for me! I realize that any time I want to eat dairy I am going to have to pay the consequences. The consequences are not fun for me, and I end up in the most horrible pain, discomfort, and sometimes embarrassing predicament. Much like Meg Ryan in her movie French Kiss - every time I see the scene of where she OD's on cheese I can relate with her to a T!

Speaking of "T", Not Mr. T - I have now discovered that there is a fabulous hot drink similar to hot chocolate out there. It is known as tea! It does not have the same sensual affect that hot chocolate has on me, but when ever I drink it I feel incredibly fine and do not have the pains that hot chocolate has on me! I recently discovered tea when I was trying to regain my voice back from a recent loss (by the way it came back after three long, I MEAN LONG days...after some prayers, and of course a priesthood blessing that I never asked for, it came back - wonderful priesthood). At first I was very reluctant to drinking tea, but have found that as I am living here in Alaska where it is cold ALL THE FREAKING time that tea warms not only my throat, my body, and my heart, but it is also very tasty. Especially with a spoon full of sugar - actually honey, which is natural, and better for you! Not only am I going to help my stomach problems by cutting out dairy, aka hot chocolate, (milk is about the last thing I have held on to in the dairy department...other than milk I have cut most everything out...sad day for me!) but tea is so much more healthier for me and LESS fattening than hot chocolate! Yes, I am obeying the word of wisdom and am only drinking caffeine free tea, and all herbal tea. There are some great flavors of tea out there - look into it! Maybe you'll be the next tea drinker, just like me and my new love for tea - not Mr. T! "I pitty the fool, pitty the fool, who can't drink hot chocolate!!!" Thanks Mr. T, or Mr. Tea...


Debbie Gisle said...

Be careful with that. Make sure you research the herbs they put in there. Just because its an "herb" and doesn't have caffine doesn't make it healthy for your body. (the whole point of the w.o.w...that new principles book the released is pretty specific to "no coffee and tea"...doesn't specify unless caffine free. Just please be careful. :)

There is an article on by Clifford J. Stratton that talks specifically about tea and whether that is considered a "hot drink" although the new "True to the Faith" is pretty clear cut.

Logan and Sydney said...

I laughed my butt off about the "pity the fool" thing. MISS YOU:(

ninfa said...

Glad your voice is back. I know it doesn't taste the same but try making hot chocolate with soy milk. I love soy milk--it 'only' took three months to get used to the flavor.

Mrs Buchanan said...

I absolutely love hot chocolate!!! I'm glad that it doesn't affect me as badly as it does you. If I have too much then it affects me, but I know what my limits are. I have tried tea before and it is okay, but maybe I should try a different flavor. You'll need to let me know what are some yummy teas.

Lucashell said...

mmmmm.... TEA

Klein said...

All things in moderation Libby! Funny thing, I lost my voice and got it back without a priesthood blessing... hmmm?

Dustin & Angie Drake said...