For my birthday I received money and a gift certificate to REI - I decided since I am driving back to Utah the end of September I would buy me a tent so that we can save money on our drive home. I have been searching online at REI and found one that would be perfect for our ride home. I did my research, then went into REI and purchased my tent. I got it for a pretty good deal. It only cost me $99.00 and I didn't even have to pay for it! It is big enough for two people, and it is very light weight for any type of overnight backpacking trip. Now I just have to buy a sleeping bag and I will be set for my long drive home!!!
You and Audra have fun camping by yourselves in bear country!!!
Nice... Sounds fun.
If you camp near Forks maybe you'll see some giant wolves! Haha!!
Cute Blog!
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