A picture is worth a thousand words! (I'm going to make this post brief since I've been told I'm kind of long winded....I know I am, but that's how I roll.)
The Prophet leaving the Randall Jones Theater. |
Today I got to be in the presence of an amazing human being, the Prophet, Thomas S. Monson. He paid a visit to my current town, and current school. I got word in my Food Science class from a past co-worker that he was attending one of the Shakespeare plays at the
Festival here in little o'l Cedar City. As soon as class was over we booked it down the street and missed his entrance by seconds. We decided to come back around 4ish when the play got out, and try to catch him then. Sure enough at 4:30 mountain standard time the Prophet and his delicate sweet wife walked to their car. Many people had gathered around to see him. I took out my cell phone and snapped a picture (kind of felt bad, but he has to be used to it...). He told us how funny he thought the play (Music Man) was, and then asked jokingly which car he was suppose to get into. My co-worker/classmate and I both teared up just seeing him walk by us. I know he is our Prophet of the church today, and even though I didn't get to shake his hand (so he could heal me of singleness) I felt the spirit so strong.
I missed an hour of work at the testing center, but being only feet away from a great man was absolutely priceless.
What did your boss think of you missing work? I wish that I would've known I could have gone and seen him too. Next time share the wealth gosh!
That is so cool! I love that you saw the prophet, and I love that he did something so NORMAL like seeing The Music Man. That's a pretty good play, too! I also love that you think shaking his hand would heal you of your singleness...
Awesome!!!!!!! What a neat experience to have. You lucky girl!
That's really cool...
Was Sister Monson there?
Wow...You got to see the prophet of the Lord. I am so extremely jealous, but happy for you.
So cool. Have you read his book.. I don't know whether to recommend or not I stopped because he so good and is amazing makes you feel like you do nothing compared to him. I am sure I will finish it though..
Jessie, it was a spur of the moment thing - sorry I should've called you!
Libby Sr., my mom is the one who thinks if I shake any sort of apostolic figure I will be cured of my single state....
Carrie, Sis Monson was there and I felt extremely bad taking a picture...from what I hear she hates being in the spotlight.
Shellie, you crack me up - I would love to read his book, but I'm sure I will feel the same as you - I do nothing compared to him and his life. ;)
I love that..."heal me of my singleness" Hilarious!
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