After he spoke I immediately took off to SUU Bookstore so I could get in line to meet this man and to get my copy of the book signed. As I waited in line for only about 15 minutes I wondered to myself and the lady behind me (who started to chat with me, or I chatted with her - who knows) what I would say to this man, Greg Mortenson. My turn finally came and I shook his hand and my mouth opened to jumbled words - I made no sense! I started to make a little scene about how great a man I thought he was. Why making a scene the people behind me made a comment saying, he's not the president of the United States. I wanted to say, "You know he's not, but he is a much better man, and bigger celebrity (sort of speak) than the president." I was just in awe of meeting him and being in his presence, and I'm pretty sure he could tell. With him chuckling at my awkward outrageous scene that I was making he stuck his hand out to me a second time and shook my hand again. I honestly think I was the only one there who got TWO hand shakes. Of course, after I left his presence everything I wanted to say to him popped in my head. Oh well - that's how the cookie crumbles.
Please, if you haven't read this book go read it! Such an amazing story and an amazing program that he has set up. Truly makes me want to be a better person and help out his cause.
Greg Mortenson is married. SAD because I would marry him in a FREAKING HEARTBEAT. But, it sounds like he has an amazing wife. READ THE BOOK!!!!!! :) :) :)
Funny... See you soon...
how i wish i could've listened to your jumbled mess of words, would've been entertaining. :)
I'm kind of sad that I missed that, but I've seen it before so no big deal. Thanks for getting my copy signed as well.
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